Thanks for the flowers
It’s rare for someone to give flowers without there having been an occasion and I must admit I was very pleasantly surprised and flattered. Especially from someone as strange and as furthest to being human as you. But I necessarily don’t admire flowers unless in their natural habitat. I strongly disapprove of giving flowers as gifts. It is such a disaster. Flowers do not help the sick get better any faster. Red roses are not symbol of love coz they fade away like every other flower. Why do people do just what everybody else does? If you want to give gifts, give things that will be useful or memorable to people. Please save the pretty flowers. (Well I guess you can say the same thing about chocolates as well but at least they taste good and give energy). Books could be far better (forget about the e-age and all that). And for wrapping – Be Creative - try using coconut husk, orange peeling, cloth or simply don’t gift wrap. Avoid plastic & polythene and save paper. Ok if I sound bossy that’s not what I intend to be doing. And I think it’s kinda stupid to celebrate birthdays. Is it an achievement or a festival or just an excuse to party? I really don’t see the point.
Anyway thanks for the flowers. They make the things around them look cute. And besides that, they remind me of you… but I hope the memories will not wilt away and disappear into nothingness along with them.