Thursday, February 18, 2021

Social Media Etiquettes

Social Media is not a place to vent out our frustrations

Social Media is a knife. It can be used to keep in touch with friends and family and for communication but it is not a hobby and an outlet. There are formal ways by which communication can be achieved without agitating everyone in the group and turning the spotlight on yourself. Here's what is ok and not k according to social norms of the time


- insult, bully or tease anyone on social media. Even when it is not ill-intended and it can be interpreted negatively by the reader

- post pictures of your personal life, photos of food, and travel. Not everyone is interested in everything you do

- forward or share messages that you get, without verifying the truth of the matter especially if it is diet or medical related.

- start conversations on controversial topics such as politics and religion and do not get involved in such petty arguments and debates

- draw attention to yourself

- share medical and diet knowledge even if you are a doctor


- Use it to thank people and make friends

- Use it to ask for permission before calling or visiting

- Use it to give charity and reach out to see who needs help where

- Know where to draw the line and stay out of the conversation.

- Share useful, verified information from true sources that you know without a doubt to be accurate. ALWAYS SITE YOUR SOURCES

Life is too short to have too many enemies. If we have nothing good to say let us keep quiet and follow the way of the prophet.


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