Monday, February 26, 2018

Close your eyes... Just Imagine...

You start to enjoy the joys of life the moment you stop worrying about what people think of you, your home, your clothes, your shoes, your choices. If you do something just to please your creator and for yourself, you have time to focus on the more significant parts of life. 

When you live in a society, it is often too hard to escape pressure. Try for a moment, to imagine that you are living by yourself in a deserted island with no other human being. How will your life be? Would you change anything or remain the same? Say, you have the same needs, same stuff, same everything but you and your immediate family are the only ones there. What would you change or... would you still be you?  

Although, it is very hard to imagine, if you let those creative juices flow you will figure out how much of what you do is just for yourself and how much of it is for others. How much valuable time would we have, to focus on things we really want for our souls? How much knowledge can we can? I know it’s easier said than done but I figured a long time ago that I will not live for  others. It was a rough and long road but I am happy. Happy that I cannot be pressured to do something that makes everyone else happy but me. It’s a beautiful world, really!


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